I'm a specialist psychotherapist helping people with anxiety to recover and heal properly so that they can regain control of their lives and stop sacrificing time, energy and money on things that don’t work.

4 Things To Look For When Getting Help

Consider a track record of success: Use someone who has a proven history of helping others in similar situations.

Prioritise tailored support: Choose an approach that addresses your specific anxiety type and your growth needs.

Aim for balance and variety: A content mind and body thrive on a balanced approach to recovery and relapse prevention.

Ensure a personal connection: Make sure you feel a genuine liking for the person you choose, as a positive connection is essential.

1:1 Therapy

Therapy sessions with me are always customised and individually designed to address your own unique challenges with anxiety or OCD. They each last an hour and I do offer email / text options to provide wrap-around support.

Compassionate Support: You will be guided by a seasoned anxiety psychotherapist who has been on the anxiety journey herself.

Effective Techniques: Proven methods to manage, recover & heal from anxiety, promote self-discovery, and foster resilience.

Lasting Change: Vastly reduce the likelihood of a relapse. Experience growth that matches your ambition and achieve sustainable emotional well-being.


Knowledge and tools help us to triumph over anxiety. These workshops are designed for people who want to not just consume information about anxiety but actually do "the work" and implement what they learn.

Gain insights into the roots of your anxiety, your symptoms, triggers and practical coping strategies.

Dive deeper with evidence based techniques to soothe your nervous system, reclaim control and start to heal.

Learn tools and tips from a trusted integrative psychotherapist & coach dedicated to your growth.

Pick a workshop that supports you at the right part of your own journey, whether you are new to experiencing anxiety or are further down the path and need more advanced guidance.

Finding Balance

I run twice-yearly retreats in Scotland and France for those who are craving much needed time out and rejuvenation. Activities are not prescribed and can include: Yoga, Massage, Sound Baths, Cold water immersion, Acupuncture, Mindfulness, Tea Ceremony, Moon bathing, Forest bathing, Hypnotherapy & Sonority. Requests are welcome!

Take a break from your everyday life to focus on your well-being.

Enjoy food that is both nourishing and delicious; a feast for the senses that will leave you feeling satisfied and content.

Let go of the hustle and bustle of life in the fast lane and allow time to pass at its own pace.

Reflect and recalibrate - where are you in life and where do you want to go next?


What my clients say

Office: Online & Scotland

Call xxx-xxx-xxxx


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